Novel insert in Spike glycoprotein of Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2
Fig. 1. BLAST result alignment view for Spike glycoprotein of Coronavirus (sp|P0DTC2)
One of the sequences in the pre-release proteome of 2019-nCoV Wuhan Coronavirus [1] is Spike glycoprotein (sp|P0DTC2). This sequence, when aligned with BLAST against nucleotide database NCBI [2], shows a peptide insert PRRA (Figure 1) with respect to Bat coronavirus RaTG13 [2].
Creating real-time audio-visual effects using brain waves
Batch script for running MaxQuant command line tool
It needs a preconfigured parameter file to begin with. For that, i generally open the Max Quant for a dummy file called TestFile.raw and set the desired parameters and fasta file for search through its GUI.
Why mistakes are often repeated?
- Narcotics Anonymous
I have been wondering about this for a long long time... I feel our daily lives are often a mixture of random events and results of decisions we make as we go on living. Brain as an advanced pattern recognition device is constantly trying to make sense of this, attributing events to nature and/or our decision(s).
Calculating expected distance between consecutive occurrence of a motif
de-Bruijn assembler
Hamiltonian Assembler
simple check:
a b
b c
c a
[followed by Ctrl-D should produce]
a b c
based purely on shell commands and thought of testing it out as a Genome assembler. The genome assembly problem is closely related to finding the shortest common superstring (S) of a given set of strings (s1, s2… sn).
Getting out gene list from Ensembl web query results with WWW::Mechanize
Cancer classification using Google prediction API
The dataset needed to be formatted (training/test) and copied to Google storage to get the default scripts working.