Quick Google search showed that Windows+Python would be the fastest way to hack together a piece of code which can unleash some of the power of this device i have in my hands, or rather on my head! So off i went and downloaded python, pyserial (for bluetooth stream), numpy (nice array handling and some Fourier magic), matplotlib (plotting, though some dependencies to make this work are dateutil, pyparsing and six) along with NeuroPy, Sahil's python library to programmatically make NeuroSky function calls.
Once the setup was nice and working, i fired up the IDLE, python IDE, which comes with default install and stated coding. After rummaging through documentation of the above modules and extremely helpful suggestions available at stack overflow, i am finally able to capture and (dis)play frequencies in my EEG signal. The code is not so readable at the moment, apologies for that, but it is out there in my repo, if you feel like taking a look:
wget http://misccb.googlecode.com/git-history/519b92947fb874d3d3842e08518fbb42ed93adfa/neuroplay.py
Easiest way to run this code is via IDLE, otherwise just fire up the Windows command prompt <%windir%\system32\cmd.exe>:
cd "path to python install dir"
python "path to code download dir"\neuroplay.py
I will attempt to replace windsound with Olivier's pyo module and run this over Linux. So much looking forward to the next block of quality time to spend on random things :)
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